Young Families

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Welcome to the One Heart Church Family Ministry! We have one main objective: connecting families to God and to one another. It is our desire to partner with you in ministry as we seek to raise up families from all walks of life, who are completely passionate about following Christ and His mission. We truly believe as the Church and the family unite together they will become stronger than they could ever be by ourselves.

Proverbs 22:6

6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Current Sunday Morning Study

The Book of Ecclesiastes by Jonathan Pokluda

Join us Sundays at 11:15am for this incredible study.

House Church 

Sunday evenings // 5-7pm // Once a month
Our group meets once a month to gather together in homes for fellowship and to have a time of family worship with our kids. We sing songs together as families and have an interactive Bible study. It is an incredible time of fellowship, building memories for our kids, and pointing our entire family toward Jesus.


To keep up with everything going on with young families, sign up for our weekly newsletter below.


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