Vacation Bible School Begins This Next Week!

Dear One Heart Family and Friends,

We continue to experience amazing Sundays as we gather together in His name. Our Communion Service was an intimate moment to express our hearts to Jesus! NOW, my challenge for the summer was for us to remain focused and committed during the heat of the summer! If you are on vacation – Go For It! But come back excited about experiencing what God has in store for you. Be sure to remain faithful in your stewardship since some of our major expenses occur during the summer months.

Three Important Reminders…

1. Ladies of One Heart – A special luncheon happens Saturday at 12:30 at La Madeline’s on Pleasant Hill. This informal gathering will bless your heart. Join Cindy, Verna and the Ladies Leadership Team for a special time.

2. BIO continues this Saturday morning. What a great way to focus in on your faith as we look at being Before God, In Community, On Mission. This study continues for the next few weeks and all of our men and women are invited!

3. Vacation Bible School begins Monday, June 11 from 9AM – 12 PM. This is by far my favorite week of the year! How do you ever match a week where you get to experience the amazing kids of OHC study about Jesus!

Don’t miss it! See you Sunday at both services 9:30 and 10:50 AM. We begin a new series this Sunday, MOVE – Putting Your Faith in Action.

In Christ, Pastor Gearl

PS I used 2 quotes last Sunday and I thought you would enjoy having them in print. “The pursuing love of God is the greatest wonder of the spiritual universe. We leave God in the heat of our own self-desire and run from His will because we want so much to have our own way. We get to a crossroads and look back in pride, thinking that we have outdistanced Him. Just as we are about to congratulate ourselves on our achievement of self-enthronement we feel a touch on our arm and turn in that direction to find Him there. ‘My child,’ He says in tenderness, “I love you; and when I saw you running away from all that is good, I pursued you through a shortcut that love knows well, and awaited you here at the crossroads.” Donald Grey Barnhouse

“Only at the point where the insufficiency of natural strength is faced, felt and admitted does Divine empowering begin.” J.I. Packer