Overcomers – Living for His Commendation

Overcomers – Living for His Commendation


What does your life story read like? A better question might be – do you seek the commendation of men or of God. Many Christians go through life as if the praise of men is required for success. Of course God’s Word is clear that commendation from Almighty God is what matters most.


When we think of this subject we are often reminded of the text in Matthew that says, “well done good and faithful servant.” That is certainly something we all would like for God to say about us. This tells us that His commendation is directly linked to our obedience in faith.


As we look at II Corinthians 10:7-11:6 we get a clear glimpse from Paul into what commendation from the Lord requires. In speaking to the Corinthian believers in verse 8, Paul says that God has placed him in authority and although he does not boast of this his authority is given to build them up and they are responsible to follow it.


Verse 13 tells us that we must measure and live in every opportunity the Lord gives us to further His kingdom. We must remember who we are in Christ and we must make the most of every moment He gives us. Someone once said, “Bloom where you are planted.” God gives us opportunity after opportunity and we must be ready.


Looking further at verse 18 Paul gives us another principle related to the commendation that comes from God. He says that we must live for God’s approval and not ours or other men. Man’s approval does not guarantee God’s and Jesus is the key to all worthy approval.


In chapter 11 and in verse 3 Paul “brings home” commendation from God by stating that as Christians we need to keep our lives in Christ simple and pure. Complexity can lead to confusion. Our devotion demands real focus on Jesus Christ. Verse 6 says that we all must rely on truth and that truth is God’s Word.


Are you willing to love for the approval of man or God?