Don’t Shrink Back!

It is late on Saturday night and can’t sleep until I write this challenge. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new year of Sundays! It is 2016! The year God has allowed us to live and serve Him!
The writer of Hebrews writes something quite interesting in 10:39. Here he states we are not of those who shrink back. The idea of shrinking back carries a lot of thoughts to me. The choice to allow anything to get ahead of my love for the One who controls it all anyway. The verse states that it leads to destruction….while the one who doesn’t shrink back ends up preserving their soul. I could elaborate in numerous ways about shrinking back. BUT I simply ask you…WILL anything get ahead of your love for Jesus? I declare my unmistakeable love for Him. I pray a lot of you will join me living this year as the one He has given us to not shrink back. Ultimately….If you shrink….you will stink…..If you believe… will be blessed!!!!! Big difference between destruction and heaven! NON shrinkers—-will be in His House, in His Word, In prayer, In tune with the Holy Spirit and open to His complete direction. Join me!

Gearl Spicer
Senior Pastor
One Heart Church