One Service Sunday

Dear OHC family and friends,

These two weeks of mission work have been so rewarding. I’ll be back Sunday, November 21st, to share with you some of the amazing testimonies of how God has moved. I’m so thankful for your prayers and love. I’m so grateful our church is focused on impacting the world.

Don’t forget our upcoming Thanksgiving feast, Sunday, November 21st. It is going to be a great day at One Heart. We’ll have one service that day at

10:30 a.m. followed by a full Thanksgiving lunch. Here is a reminder to all those who bake in the house to cook up a really good dessert to share with others at lunch. I’m going to be really ready for some good ole American food by the time I return home.

You can get your tickets for the Ladies Tea or sign up for Financial Peace University this Sunday. And you will also be able to get tickets for the upcoming OHC Praise Christmas Concert called, A Baby Changes Everything!

I look forward to seeing you at OHC this Sunday!

Gearl Spicer
