Be Sure and be Present!

He is not here! He is risen! Can you imagine the power of 7 simple words stated to those who so deeply wanted to honor Jesus? We are quickly approaching the weekend in which we continue to honor Jesus. This weekend is set apart for those who claim Jesus to truly contemplate the significance of the cross and the empty tomb.


I wanted to remind you that this weekend is a must time for all of us. On Friday evening—we must come together and truly look at our hearts as we surrender our hearts to the cross. We meet in our worship center at 7:30! On Sunday we must come together for two services for our church family to gather in worship of a risen Lord. Please make every effort to be present. Can you imagine what they felt on that first Sunday morning?


I’m captured in my heart with the love that God has written on my heart because of the resurrection. I’ll see you Friday and Sunday because we must—follow His commands.


Celebrating in His resurrection power,

Pastor Gearl


PS–Would you seriously consider who you could invite to Easter service at OHC? It’s a must!