God is Moving

Dear One Heart family,

Today, I rejoice in my heart about our amazing church. God has truly blessed us in fantastic ways as we obey Him and follow His Word. As we get ready for Sunday, I am rejoicing at His hand on our ministry.

*Three new classes launched 2 weeks ago and they are growing!

*Our existing classes are also seeing increased impact.

*Wednesday night we had 40 precious kids in our building! I am so thankful for Kassie and Carolanne as they make mid week amazing.

*Pastor Ron continues to see community grow and be blessed as he teaches every mid week!

*A fresh wind of energy is coming through in every service and I sense His Spirit at work in our church.

*I sense in my heart a great opportunity that He will present to our hearts in these coming days. May our hearts be ready.

SO–this Sunday we enter a new month and I wanted to challenge you to be present every Sunday! Make it four in a row. I would love it.
See you at 9:15 for connection classes and 10:30 for amazing worship!

Gearl Spicer, Senior Pastor