A New Challenge

Dear One Heart Family and Friends,

I rejoice in all I see God doing in our midst! Yesterday we experienced another great day in His house. Usually I write and encourage your participation in the many exciting activities at OHC but today I want to simply challenge you as we move toward the end of the first month of 2011.

Let me challenge you to process these questions and evaluate what you sense our Lord saying to you.

1. Have I surrendered every aspect of my life to God?

2. Can I identify areas of my life I’m trusting God to do great things in?

3. Is my heart open to Him doing a new work?

Now think about these three concepts: Surrender, trust and openness.

Over the last few weeks God has clearly impressed my heart to challenge every one of us with these three thoughts. I’d like to see these areas worked out in all our lives. Let this be a life changing week!

I love being your pastor and friend!

Gearl Spicer